This vignette replicates the ordinal
logistic regression example done by the UCLA Statistical Consulting
Group. It demonstrates how to use the pomcheckr
to check if the proportional odds assumption holds.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> apply pared public gpa
#> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
#> 1 very likely 0 0 3.26
#> 2 somewhat likely 1 0 3.21
#> 3 unlikely 1 1 3.94
#> 4 somewhat likely 0 0 2.81
#> 5 somewhat likely 0 0 2.53
#> 6 unlikely 0 1 2.59
is a synthetic data set consisting of the
apply - indicates how likely a student is to apply to graduate school
pared - 1 if at least one parent has a graduate degree, 0 otherwise
public - 1 if the undergraduate institution if public, 0 otherwise
gpa - the student’s grade point average
Some of the descriptive statistics from the example are repeated below.
## one at a time, table apply, pared, and public
lapply(ologit[, c("apply", "pared", "public")], table)
#> $apply
#> unlikely somewhat likely very likely
#> 220 140 40
#> $pared
#> 0 1
#> 337 63
#> $public
#> 0 1
#> 343 57
## three way cross tabs (xtabs) and flatten the table
ftable(xtabs(~ public + apply + pared, data = ologit))
#> pared 0 1
#> public apply
#> 0 unlikely 175 14
#> somewhat likely 98 26
#> very likely 20 10
#> 1 unlikely 25 6
#> somewhat likely 12 4
#> very likely 7 3
ggplot(ologit, aes(x = apply, y = gpa)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_jitter(size=0.1, alpha = .5) +
facet_grid(pared ~ public, margins = TRUE) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
The source
page describes various analysis methods that one might consider and
what the limitations are with respect to this data set. Since the
outcome apply
is an ordered, categorical variable an
ordered logistic (aka cumulative logit) model is an appropriate
A key assumption of an ordinal logistic regression is that the odds
of adjacent categories are proportional (i.e., the slope coefficients
are the same). The score test is sometimes used to test this assumption,
but it tends to be conservative and rejects the null more often than it
should. The source
page illustrates a graphical method for checking this assumption,
and pomcheckr
will automatically generate the necessary
The basic idea is a series of binary logistic regressions without the parallel slopes assumption are run on the response against the predictors. Then we check for equality of the slope coefficients across levels of the predictor (or cutpoints if the predictor is continuous). See the source page for further details.
In the above plots, the slope coefficients are roughly equal for both
and gpa
. However, the plot for
suggests the parallel slopes assumption is
not satisfied for that predictor.